Self care

In order to begin to create a successful new way of living, we must learn new tools. What are some of yours?

Oh my gosh, there are multitudes of ways to care for ourselves in very healthy ways. One of my major things is to choose healthy food that I know will help my body and mind feel and function better. Despite the dark cloud of alienation sorrow hovering above,  I remind myself of the two year struggle to survive colorectal cancer; I REALLY wanted to live.  Eight years later I am still here, healthy and doing the best I can to stay for awhile longer. Writing this blog is one of the reasons I want to stay. I hope I can be a light in the tunnel of despair for other travelers on this difficult path. So-called “comfort” foods are everywhere and so seductive and DELICIOUS! At times they are what I choose and happily many other times, not so much. I look ahead and ask myself how I will feel after eating this, how do I WANT to feel both physically and mentally? Will I feel energized & content? Or stuffed, tired and depressed? What are my plans the rest of the day? Do I want to be sedentary or do I have activities I want to enjoy doing? I then consciously decide what I will eat and thoroughly enjoy it. If it’s unhealthy and I choose it, then I WILL savor every delicious bite – guilt free! If that results in going home and doing nothing, then that IS my choice & it’s 100% A-OK! Most of the time, I go for the delicious and healthy option, but give my self permission to decide. I consciously and deliberately make the decisions that I think are the very best for my entire being at any moment. A way to support my desires to stay healthy and live long is by planning meals for the week, choosing menus, writing a list of ingredients and buying those items when grocery shopping. I may pick up a bag of “comfort”, but before putting it in the cart I decide if I really want to EAT this and put it in my body. Will it help me on my path of healing my sadness and supporting my personal growth? Is ingesting whatever it may be, beneficial to the essence of who I am or want to be? Is this self care or self sabotage? I am determined to be happy.  That’s basically it.

KISS... Keep It Simple Sweetheart. 🙂


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